Protologue Description:
Rubus Egglestonii sp. nov.
Allied to R. strigosus Michx., the bark, prickles, flowers, and fruit being very similar; plants glandular, dwarfish, about one foot high ; leaves small, rounded, coarsely crenate-dentate, one to one and one-half inches broad, trifoliolate with rounded, sessile leaflets on new canes and varying from unlobed to deeply lobed on old canes ; inflorescence very scant, consisting of two- to four flowered slender racemes.
Type collected by Mr. W. W. Eggleston in Cavendish, Vermont, June 9, 1900.
It is possible that this is a mere sport but not at all probable, and botanists may well be watching for it in other places, especially far to the north where it may reasonably be expected to be not rare.

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